Dressed to the Ca-nines: How Dog Menswear Carved Its Niche in NYC


Hey! Welcome to the Creator Economy NYC newsletter — the premier place for all things creator economy in the Big Apple.

It was great to see many of you at last night’s “Summer Soiree” at Maxwell Social. And welcome to the 120+ new subscribers who are joining us from last night! More events to come…

This week, we're spotlighting Yena Kim, the creative force behind Menswear Dog — “The Most Stylish Dog in the World.” We dive into how this creator turned her Shiba Inu's dapper outfits into a thriving brand, and the valuable lessons about finding your niche in the creator economy.

Let’s dive into it.

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Dressed to the ca-nines: how Menswear Dog carved its niche in NYC

When you think of pet content online, what comes to mind? Cute puppies, funny cat videos, maybe the occasional parrot saying something hilarious. But how about a Shiba Inu rocking a perfectly tailored suit?

Welcome to the world of Menswear Dog, the brainchild of New York-based creator Yena Kim.

Yena's journey to becoming a full-time dog fashion designer creator is as unexpected as her content. With a background in fashion and a stint at Ralph Lauren under her belt, Yena found herself at a crossroads when her dog Bodhi went viral wearing men's clothing samples.

"I'm a bit of a weirdo and I'll do unusual things for creativity's sake," Yena told me. "I put these sample clothes on Bodhi, thinking he'd probably run off. But he didn't. He gave me a smile and angles, wearing it so well."

What started as a quirky photo shoot quickly turned into a viral sensation. Yena began sharing photos on Tumblr, and the unique images of Bodhi in dapper menswear spread like wildfire across the platform.

"It was Instagram and Tumblr, because Tumblr, it was really easy to repost. And I think from that, we had a lot of growth," Yena explained to me.

As her following grew on Tumblr, Yena expanded to Instagram, which was still a relatively new platform at the time. The visual nature of Instagram proved perfect for showcasing Bodhi's fashionable looks.

The rapid spread of Bodhi's photos across these platforms caught the attention of major media outlets. Within days, Bodhi's photos were featured on CNN, and Yena found herself fielding requests for appearances and collaborations.

Faced with a choice between her dream job at Ralph Lauren and an adventure with her dog, Yena took the leap into the unknown world of content creation. It was a decision that would shape the next decade of her life.

“Bodhi and his puppy eyes definitely won…” Yena said.

While Bodhi, now 15 years old, was the original star of Menswear Dog, Yena has since expanded her canine crew. She adopted Luc, a 4-year-old Jindo mix rescue, who has also become part of the Menswear Dog family.

This early success on Tumblr and Instagram laid the foundation for what would become the Menswear Dog brand today. It's a reminder of how quickly things can change in the creator economy and how being in the right place at the right time - with the right content - can lead to unexpected opportunities.

The power of a personal monopoly

Yena's success stems from her ability to blend two seemingly unrelated worlds: high-end men's fashion and adorable dogs.

This unexpected combination caught people's attention and carved out a unique space in the crowded pet content world. In essence, Yena created what fellow creator David Perell calls a "personal monopoly" - a unique combination of skills and interests that sets her apart from everyone else.

Jerry Garcia once said, "You want to be the only person who does what you do." This is exactly what Yena has achieved with Menswear Dog. She's become known as the dog in fashionable men’s clothing person, allowing her to dominate this niche within the larger world of pet content.

When asked about finding a niche, Yena offered this advice:

Start with what excites you. The content's final form isn't as important as who you are now. Listen to yourself and notice what you enjoy doing on your days off. These are the things that won't feel like work when you're creating lots of content.

Perell argues that "The Internet uniquely rewards people with Personal Monopolies because it rewards differentiation." This is evident in Yena's case. In a world where pet content is ubiquitous, her unique angle has allowed her to stand out and attract a dedicated following.

However, creating a personal monopoly isn't without challenges. As Perell notes, global markets "make it hard to create one because of all the competition." This is where Yena's advice about starting with what truly excites you becomes crucial. She didn't set out to create a personal monopoly; she simply followed her interests, and the unique combination naturally emerged.

Sustainability and growth of the brand

One of the most impressive aspects of Menswear Dog is its longevity. Over a decade later, Yena is still creating content and expanding her brand. She's written a book, collaborated with major brands like Nike and Brooks Brothers, and is now venturing into podcasting.


Key to this sustainability has been Yena's willingness to evolve. As Bodhi has gotten older, she's incorporated more of herself into the content, sharing the behind-the-scenes process of creating dog fashion. This evolution has allowed her to connect more deeply with her long-time followers while still staying true to her brand's core.

But Yena’s success isn't just measured in likes and follows. She's turned Menswear Dog into a thriving business through sponsored posts, licensing deals, and collaborations. What's particularly impressive is the breadth of industries she's been able to work with.

We thought it would be a small niche, maybe just men's fashion brands. But we've worked with coffee brands, lifestyle brands, furniture companies, even real estate. The possibilities are endless.

This versatility opens up numerous opportunities for future growth. I think there’s potential for Menswear Dog-branded pet products, a line of human clothing inspired by Bodhi's looks, or even expanding into other pet fashion niches. The key will be maintaining the unique blend of high fashion and adorable pets that made Menswear Dog stand out in the first place.

The NYC factor

It's hard to separate Menswear Dog from its NYC roots. When asked if her brand would be what it is without the city, Yena's response was unequivocal: "Absolutely not."

She elaborated on the city's impact:

New York has this incredible energy where everyone's excited. You meet someone else who's excited, and you just vibe. It keeps you going, keeps you creating, keeps you thinking of new things and collaborating.

From shooting at iconic locations like Rockefeller Center to collaborating with NYC-based brands, the city has played a crucial role in shaping Menswear Dog’s aesthetic and opportunities.

Wrapping it up

What's particularly impressive is the level of dedication Yena brings to her craft. As she told me:

"I make the clothes from scratch when he shows up to events, and he's wearing something that actually fits him. I literally have a dog form. This is what I drape on right here," she said, pointing to a dog-shaped mannequin behind her. "So I do every part of the thing - I edit, I light. Sometimes I feel like a crazy person."

Next time you’re at a Creator Economy NYC event, you just might find yourself admiring a dapper-looking Shiba Inu. Don't be surprised if you realize you've just been out-dressed by Bodhi!

But on a serious note, the lesson we can take from Menswear Dog is clear:

  1. Unique combinations create niches: Yena's blend of high-fashion and pet content carved out a distinctive space. Look for unexpected ways to combine your interests.

  2. Authenticity breeds monopoly: Yena's success stems from genuine passions. Your personal monopoly should reflect your true interests, not just market demands.

  3. Courage to share is crucial: As Yena said to me, "When you have the courage to post it, something bigger can happen." Don't be afraid to put your unique ideas out there.

  4. Niche doesn't mean limited: Menswear Dog collaborates across various industries. A specific niche can open doors to diverse opportunities.

  5. Location can amplify your niche: NYC amplified Menswear Dog's appeal. Consider how your environment can enhance your unique offering.

You can follow Menswear Dog and Yena’s journey with her pups Bodhi and Luc on Instagram.


Upcoming events

Creators go pro — turning part-time passion into a full-time gig - Sept 18, 6:30PM-9:30PM

We’re partnering with Teachable for an ultimate mixer and panel event focused on turning your ‘5-9’ creative passion into your full-time gig. Join us for an exclusive evening filled with connections and new learnings.

Additional details will follow! Space is limited, so RSVP to secure your spot.

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  • Teachable: the no-code platform for creators who want to build more impactful businesses through courses, coaching, and digital downloads. Start for free.

  • Siftsy: the comment section analytics tool influencer marketers and brands rely on. Book a demo today.

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