This NYC creator found a 'Dumb Hot' way to go viral on TikTok


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In just eight weeks, NYC-based creator Nigel Roxbury has seen his new short-form video segment "Dumb Hot" explode in popularity. The concept? Interviewing attractive people while quizzing them on trivia.

In today’s newsletter, we’ll explore how this creator turned a simple idea into a viral sensation, the strategy behind his content, and the lessons other creators can learn from his journey.

Let's dive into it.

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This NYC creator found a 'Dumb Hot' way to go viral on TikTok

Nigel Roxbury's start in content creation began with music. In September 2020, during the pandemic, he signed up for TikTok to promote his upcoming EP. Instead of directly showcasing his music, Roxbury combined his passion for New York City history with his musical work. He created videos about historical landmarks, using his music as the background track. This approach not only promoted his EP but also unexpectedly launched his career as a content creator.

As the world reopened, Roxbury expanded his content to include New York City recommendations, lifestyle content, and day-in-the-life videos. He even created a separate Instagram account, NYC History Hub, which has grown to 175,000 followers.

Always experimenting with new formats, Roxbury also started a series called "Cafe with Creators.” The idea was to showcase fellow creators he knew beyond their niches. However, he soon realized its limitations. "It required the audience to also be invested in these creators," Roxbury explains. "And if you're outside of New York, a lot of them are very New York-centric or New York-based, so the views weren’t there." This experience taught him the importance of creating content with broader appeal, setting the stage for his next big idea.

The birth of "Dumb Hot"

Roxbury's latest viral hit, the "Dumb Hot" segment, came from a desire to showcase more of his personality and leverage his existing social dynamics. As Roxbury explains, "I was on a walk with my friend who is very good looking, and I realized I have a lot of friends who are cute or handsome. I thought it would be really funny to just vibe with them on camera."

The concept evolved naturally from Roxbury's social habits. "When I would go out, I was like the question master. I would ask questions around the table at a bar," he recalls. "So I thought, maybe I can combine these two things."

The result is a simple yet effective format: Roxbury asks attractive individuals trivia questions, creating content that's both entertaining and educational.

The name "Dumb Hot" has a clever origin. As Roxbury explains, "My friend Trillium came up with the name. 'Dumb hot' is kind of a New York way of saying 'very,' but it's also a double entendre. It could apply to knowing your stuff or not." This play on words captures both the attractiveness of the guests and the nature of the trivia questions, perfectly encapsulating the segment's blend of humor, education, and eye-catching participants.

The concept quickly gained traction, becoming a viral sensation in just eight weeks. It's a testament to Roxbury's ability to create content that resonates with his audience while staying true to his personality and interests — I mean just look at those view counts!

To gain more insights into Nigel's creative process and the success of "Dumb Hot," I met with him for an in-depth convo (and maybe… a dumb hot interview). Here are some key takeaways from our discussion:

A Q&A: Nigel’s content creation insights

What do you think are the key elements that make a content segment stick with audiences?

The first thing is to provide worth to your audience. For 'Dumb Hot,' it's threefold. One, you learn something. Two, our personalities bring you in and we're having fun. Three, you get to see a new attractive person on social media.

How do you approach consistency in posting?

I post nearly daily, at minimum every other day. It's important for the algorithms to see that you're posting regularly. I think they reward that consistency.

How do you find guests for your "Dumb Hot" segment?

I was heavily involved in New York nightlife for years. It's often just a text message or Instagram DM away. I've also done some cold outreach, which has been solid.

What advice do you have for creators looking to launch their own segments?

It's about combining elements that provide worth. I emphasize this because it's crucial in content creation. People come because they see something they like, but they stay because you're providing value — whether it’s new knowledge, just a laugh… or even hot people.

What are your future plans for "Dumb Hot"?

The next steps are to increase the visibility of the guests on the show. I'm looking at inquiries from production companies, studios, and record labels. I see creators on red carpets and think, I can do that. This format is perfect for red carpet events, where an actor could come up and I'd ask them trivia questions. I'm also planning to make a separate 'Dumb Hot' Instagram, but I want to launch it with momentum. That means collaborating with big creators to get an initial jump in following. And here's a big one: my goal for the first year is to create 300 "Dumb Hot" episodes. It's ambitious, but I'm committed to making it happen.

What's your vision for your content creation career?

My end goal is to be like Conan O'Brien mixed with Anthony Bourdain. I want to be host-centric, but in an adventurous way, doing things out in the world. I'm thinking about a new restaurant-focused content series for my personal page. And the history stuff, I'm really doing it for fun and will definitely continue to do it.

How has New York City influenced you as a creator?

It's influenced me in countless ways. With my NYC history account, the city provides the content. For my recommendations and lifestyle content, New York offers unique places and a wealth of people to collaborate with. If I was in a smaller city, I'd have a much harder time. New York is a place for hustlers and ambitious people, which aligns perfectly with my goals. It's been incredibly motivating.

Our conversation has been condensed and edited for clarity. 

My take: The 'Dumb Hot' guy is a smart creator

Embracing adaptability

Watching Nigel's journey, I'm struck by how adaptable he's been. From music promotion to NYC history to cafe with creators to "Dumb Hot," …he's not afraid to pivot when something clicks. That's a crucial lesson for any creator – don't get too attached to one idea. It’s OK, and often beneficial, to take those risks and experiment.

Focusing on providing value to your audience

What sets Nigel apart is his laser focus on audience value. As creators, we sometimes get caught up in what we want to make, but Nigel reminds us to always consider what our audience wants to see — especially if our goal is broader growth. Whether it's bite-sized history lessons or entertaining trivia with attractive guests, Nigel always delivers something worth watching.

Creating a memorable brand

Another key factor in Nigel's success of ‘Dumb Hot’ is his consistent and memorable intro. He doesn't rely on a fancy intro song or elaborate graphics. Instead, his signature "Welcome to Dumb Hot" in that distinctive tone serves as an instantly recognizable hook. As viewers scroll through their feeds, this consistent opener signals what to expect, creating a response of anticipation.

If you check out some of Nigel’s older content, his other signature move is pointing his fingers up at the topic of the video, looking up, and then covering the camera before diving into the content. It's a masterclass in branding within the confines of short-form video, proving that sometimes the simplest approaches are the most effective.

Closing it out

As the creator economy continues to grow and evolve, we can expect to see more innovative content formats emerging from the streets of New York. And if Nigel Roxbury's success is any indication, the future of content creation is looking very bright indeed — or should we say, "dumb hot."

Follow Nigel journey and catch the latest "Dumb Hot" segments:


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