• Creator Economy NYC
  • Posts
  • Meet Timm — 1M+ followers as a part time creator, full time corporate honcho

Meet Timm — 1M+ followers as a part time creator, full time corporate honcho

This NYC creator inspires through his day in the life TikTok's, PLUS: upcoming events, job openings and news bits


Hey! Welcome to the real first edition of the Creator Economy NYC newsletter — the premier place for all things creator economy in the Big Apple.

This week, I’m spotlighting a NYC creator whom I’ve long admired — Timm Chiusano.

I first discovered Timm probably a little over a year ago on TikTok and have been a fan ever since.

I then had the pleasure of interviewing him for our first-ever CENYC speaking event back in July. You may know Timm already from seeing his content, but whether you do or not, I hope you enjoy this spotlight.

Other stops along the way:

  • Upcoming events

  • Cool stuff from community members

  • News bits

  • Job openings

  • And something fun happening in NYC — only in December

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Coming up with content ideas? As challenging as hailing a cab during rush hour.

Filming your content? Like stressfully navigating the subway at 8am.

And editing? It's like planning last-minute New Year’s Eve plans in the city — complex, likely expensive, and often ending in dissatisfaction (yes, I’m speaking from experience).

Enter Captions App — revolutionizing how millions of creators & brands develop content.

But there’s more to Captions than, well, captions. The app is packed with advanced editing features like:

It’s easy, it’s dope, and saves you time (and money) all while taking your content to the next level.

Check it out for yourself!


Timm Chiusano — crafting authenticity in the heart of NYC

In the bustling creator economy of New York City, Timm Chiusano stands out as a beacon of authenticity and relatable wisdom.

Born in Chicago to a career radio executive and an artist, Timm's journey took him from the bustling streets of NYC to the tranquil landscapes of Canada, where he studied and played hockey. Now settled in Brooklyn, he's the fourth generation of his family to call the borough home.

Timm & friends in Canada. He lived there for 5 years

By day, Timm is a Vice President in Spectrum's content division, overseeing a team of hundreds of individuals. But when the sun sets, he steps into the realm of content creation, captivating audiences with his honest, relatable, and often humorous perspective on adulthood.

His journey, from NYC to Canada and back, mirrors his multifaceted life — part corporate honcho, part content creator.

Blurring the lines between work and creativity

Timm's approach to content creation is as unique as his background.

When I asked Timm about rituals or routines that help him transition from his corporate job to content creation mode he emphasized blurring the lines while always keeping his counterparts’ best interests at heart. It's this blend of professionalism and personal touch that makes his content so compelling.

When it comes to engaging with his audience, Timm stressed the importance of being as real as he can be and providing value "without being preachy.” He believes that caring deeply about his audience is the core of meaningful creation.

And his advice for NYC creators and builders? Don't give up. 

Balancing a career with creative passions in a city as dynamic as New York is challenging, but for Timm, it's been a journey of fulfillment and connection.

Inspired by the Big Apple

In 2021, Timm's first viral video, a candid "day in the life" video, marked a pivotal moment in his creator journey. This wasn't just a viral hit; it was an affirmation of his unique perspective that resonated with a global audience. BTW, Timm didn’t just blow up overnight. He actually started years back creating protein bar reviews on Instagram!

The authenticity of Timm’s content is deeply rooted in his Brooklyn heritage, stretching back to his great-grandfather, an immigrant who first set foot in this bustling borough. It all helps infuse his content with a genuine NYC vibe.

From his favorite local eateries like Ki Sushi (for takeout) and Lure (for business dinners) to personal moments like watching his daughter at a Taekwondo class or kissing his wife goodnight in their kitchen, Timm's content is a window into his world where the personal, professional, and the passionately New York converge.

I of course had to ask Timm about his creative inspirations, which turned out to be just as diverse as his experiences — he shared with me:

“My mom who raised me, taught me the history of rock & roll and that there are only two choices in life – to have a good time or have a bad time. My wife for always believing that everything is possible. Radiohead at Irving Plaza a week before OK Computer came out. Jay Z reopening Webster Hall in 2019. Kendrick Lamar winning a Pulitzer. The painting called “Two Nates” by Nate Turbow on my wall. The riwaka hops beer in my glass. The popcorn in my cup. Every negative comment. Every like, comment, favorite, repost, and especially the incredible energy when people say hi in real life.”


Timm’s mom rock n’ rolling

And when I asked about some of his most memorable NYC experiences — he said:

“Going to Bamontes with my dad and grandfather back in the 90’s was always a treat and the fact that its popular again now is so dope. Way too many NYC moments to note from the horrible to the incredible. Mike Piazza’s home run at Shea Stadium in the first game back after 9/11 is probably #1 and Nirvana Unplugged is probably #2.”


Finally, when I asked Timm what he thinks sets the NYC creator economy community apart from other creative hubs he added:

“It’s tough to say as I only know this one but I have developed relationships that are sibling-like to me, moments that make my eyes genuinely well up because of how good it can feel in particular moments, it’s unlike anything in my life I have ever experienced.”


Overall, it’s clear the essence of NYC culture, from its restaurants to the people, fuels Timm’s creative journey. He’s just one of the many amazing talents building and creating in our vibrant city.

If you aren’t following Timm already, now is the time to start!


Shoutout to Captions for sponsoring this month’s event.

Come and hang with our city's most dynamic creators, founders, operators, and investors for an evening of celebration and connection. We’ll also be celebrating the launch of this newsletter! RSVP to get on the list!

Upcoming events

Trying something new next month to give back to our city on MLK day. This is a special event dedicated to fostering community and addressing nutritional needs in our city in collaboration with "Wellfare” — a remarkable organization committed to improving access to nutritious food for low-income families. RSVP to SAVE THE DATE!

We are actively seeking sponsors for this event to help make it a hit. Lots of benefits included. Reach out here to get involved.


Have something to include in a future edition? Submit it here!



Spotter is looking for someone to lead their sales strategy on the East Coast, driving revenue through developing partnerships with top agencies and brand marketers.

Captions is looking for a resourceful candidate with a strong aesthetic eye and impressive project management skills. In this role, you’ll identify and partner with creators to produce high-quality ads, managing projects from inception to delivery.

Patreon is seeking a dynamic individual who can identify new opportunities and align teams with clear, engaging prototypes and stories, and who can improve design processes to set higher standards across the company.

Hiring in the creator economy? Submit your job here!


Holiday nostalgia trains are running every Saturday in December!

Catch the next vintage train rides between 10am and 5pm on Saturday, December 16th, 23rd, and 30th.


Thanks so much for reading the first edition! Let me know what you thought by replying back to this email.

And before you go — there’s an easter egg in this newsletter (and each one going forward). It’ll be something that pertains to NYC. If ya find it, screenshot it and send it back to me. You’ll be entered into a raffle to win something at the end of the month!

See you soon,



or to participate.